UA Рус

Personal Pronouns (Особові займенники)

24 грудня 2020 2838 Друк
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Personal Pronouns 
(Особові займенники)
Time: 1 hour

Objective: Students will learn how to use personal pronouns.
Motivation: Use statements such as the following to refer to people in the classroom:

Мета: Студенти навчаться використовувати особові займенники.
Мотивація: Використовувати наступні твердження для того, щоб звертатись до людей у шкільному класі:

The teacher is happy.            I am happy.
Liza is in class.                       She is in class.
John plays football.              He plays football.
The day is hot.                       It is hot.

Information: Show students the chart for using personal pronouns.  Introduce the terminology of “first person,” “second person,” “third person,” “singular,” and “plural.”  Use the Ukrainian chart if your students have knowledge of Ukrainian.

                                   singular                            plural                          singular           plural

first person                я                                       ми                                    I                       we

second person          ти                                    ви                                    you                  you

third person              він, вона, воно              вони                              he, she, it        they

Show how “it” is used in English.  Compare to Ukrainian for those students who understand Ukrainian.

Собака біжить. Вона біжить.                                The dog runs.  It runs.
Стіл великий. Він великий.                                     The table is big.  It is big.

Explain that the third person singular in the present adds the “s” sound.  Show how this works with the following verbs:

to eat                          to drink                      to sleep                      to go

I eat                            I drink                          I sleep                         I go

you eat                        you drink                     you sleep                    you go

he, she, it eats            he, she, it drinks         he, she, it sleeps        he, she, it goes

we eat                         we drink                      we sleep                     we go

they eat                       they drink                    they sleep                   they go

Practice: Read the sentence to determine which personal pronoun you will need to use in the following sentence.  Once you have done all the following for “to walk,” do them for the other verbs: to eat, to drink, to sleep, to go.

Penda walks.                                                 _____ walks.
Demba and I walk.                                         _____ walk.
Penda and Demba walk.                                _____ walk.
You and Demba walk.                                    _____ walk.
Demba walks.                                                _____ walks.
You, Penda, and Demba walk.                      _____ walk.
Penda, Demba, Ali, and I walk.                      _____ walk.

Practice task: Work with a group of students to create a dialogue between a salesman and a customer.

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  • визнання ваших знань, умінь і навичок;
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