Обладнання: Підручник, картки для роботи.
1. Привітання.
Т: How are you today?
Ps: We are fine, thank you!
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Т: At this lesson we'll start a new topic «Food and Drinks»; so today we'll speak about the food you like.
4. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
1)Бесіда з учнями.
Т: Do you like trying new food? Is there any food that you wouldn't eat as a child but that you eat now? Do you prefer your own country's food or other kinds of food? Has your country «adopted» many food from other countries? If you were living abroad, which food would you miss most from this country? How can the following factors change people's cooking and eating habits:
— travelling;
— health;
— vegetarianism.
2)Гра «Listening and Guessing».
Учитель читає описи страв, учні відгадують.
Т: Listen to the following clues and guess what food/dish is being described.
Number 1. This food is soft and it tastes sweet. It is made from cream, sugar and fruit or chocolate. It is eaten very cold, usually in summer.
Number 2. This food is crunchy and it can be salty or sweet. It is often eaten in the cinema.
Number 3. This food is hard on the outside, but usually soft in the middle. It is very versatile and is used to make lots of sweet and savoury dishes. In the UK, people also eat it on its own for breakfast or in a sandwich.
Number 4. This food is usually hard and crunchy, and it is red or green in colour. People often use it to make desserts, e.g. pies.
Key: 1) ice cream; 2) popcorn; 3) egg; 4) apple.
1.Розвиток усного мовлення.
Впр.1 с.102.
Учні працюють в парах , відповідають на питання.
2.Подання тексту для читання.
1) Підготовка до читання.
С.104 Ознайомлення з новими словами.
2) Читання.
Учні читають текст ланцюжком та перекладають.
3) Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.
Впр.2 с.102.
Учні підбирають заголовки до кожного абзацу тексту.
Впр.3 с.105.
Визначити вірні твердження.
3.Повторення граматичного матеріалу.
Робота з картками.
Do the Grammar Quiz: choose, the correct answer and explain your choice.
1) The First Conditional may refer to____ .
a) Present Time c) Past Time
b) Future Time d) a, b and. с
2) The Second Conditional refers to___ .
a) future time c) either
b) present time d) neither
3) The Third Conditional refers to____ .
a) present time c) past time
b) future time d) either
4) For a real possibility, we use the____ .
a) First Conditional c) Third Conditional
b) Second Conditional d) a, b and с
5) Which sentence describes an unreal past event with an unreal present result?
a) If I were there, things would be better now.
b) If I had been there, things would be better now.
6) I'll tell her if she comes.
a) First Conditional.
b) Second Conditional.
c) Third Conditional.
7) If I were you, I'd buy this dictionary as soon as possible.
a) First Conditional.
b) Second Conditional.
c) Third Conditional.
8) If she'd tried harder, she might have succeeded.
a) First Conditional.
b) Second Conditional.
c) Third Conditional.
9) Unless you stop working so late, you'll never stop being so tired.
a) The person should stop working late.
b) It's alright to work late.
10) If I had known, I'd have come sooner.
a) This is about the present.
b) This is about the past.
c) This is about the future.
Вивчити слова на с.104.
Впр.4 с.105 читати, перекладати.
Do the Grammar Quiz: choose, the correct answer and explain your choice.
1) The First Conditional may refer to____ .
c) Present Time c) Past Time
d) Future Time d) a, b and. с
2) The Second Conditional refers to___ .
c) future time c) either
d) present time d) neither
3) The Third Conditional refers to____ .
c) present time c) past time
d) future time d) either
4) For a real possibility, we use the____ .
c) First Conditional c) Third Conditional
d) Second Conditional d) a, b and с
5) Which sentence describes an unreal past event with an unreal present result?
c) If I were there, things would be better now.
d) If I had been there, things would be better now.
6) I'll tell her if she comes.
d) First Conditional.
e) Second Conditional.
f) Third Conditional.
7) If I were you, I'd buy this dictionary as soon as possible.
d) First Conditional.
e) Second Conditional.
f) Third Conditional.
8) If she'd tried harder, she might have succeeded.
d) First Conditional.
e) Second Conditional.
f) Third Conditional.
9) Unless you stop working so late, you'll never stop being so tired.
c) The person should stop working late.
d) It's alright to work late.
10) If I had known, I'd have come sooner.
a) This is about the present.
b) This is about the past.
c) This is about the future.
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